Afallen LLP (hereafter Afallen) is a consultancy offering sustainability and project management services throughout Wales and beyond.
We have no business premises, and work from home or from public spaces such as coffee shops, libraries etc.
Afallen is committed to meeting all its compliance obligations (both voluntary and mandatory) and to minimising its impact upon the environment. As part of our commitment to the principle of continuous environmental improvement we have assessed our key environmental impacts which relate to the use of transport, and the use of hardware such as printer, laptop or desktop computer and mobile phones.
Our EMS focuses on:
- Continually improving our environmental performance through the support and involvement of all employees and any other interested parties in implementing and achieving our Environmental Improvement Plan (Objectives and Actions) which are endorsed by the Partners.
- Minimising the emission of greenhouse gases through our use of transport by following the transport hierarchy
- Where possible, using recycled paper in printing or other paper products
- Our commitment to pollution prevention and protection of the environment
The Environmental Policy is endorsed by all members of staff, made publicly available and reviewed annually and revised as necessary.
Environmental improvement plan
Over the last twelve months we have:
- Improved our website to lower our digital carbon emissions to 0.67g CO2 per page view
- Welcomed a Partner changing a vehicle from fossil fuel to electric
- Attempted to deliver as many of our services as possible remotely except where in-person meetings are viewed as highly desirable or necessary by ourselves or clients
Over the next twelve months we will:
- Publish our transport emissions regularly on the Afallen website
- Share our transport reporting spreadsheet so that other small organisations can benefit from the structure that we have produced
- Report on homeworking emissions
David Clubb; Partner | Updated on 26 September 2023 |