Tag: Open source

  • FOSS for the third sector

    FOSS for the third sector

    Afallen Partner David Clubb was asked to give his thoughts about how Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) could help the third sector. This article was first published by Newid. Header photo: courtesy of Marcus Winkler. What is open source software?   Free and open source software (FOSS) is a category of software that follows the…

  • Supporting Mastodon in Wales

    Supporting Mastodon in Wales

    One of Afallen’s values is championing the use of Creative Commons and open source solutions. This is because we believe – and the evidence supports our view – that a cooperative and co-production approach provides bigger overall benefits to society than a purely commercial economy. Our first White Paper outlined the potential for Wales that…

  • Reaping the open source benefit for Wales

    Reaping the open source benefit for Wales

    Digital infrastructure and services underpin much of our modern existence. In work and leisure, with family and friends, we inhabit – to ever-greater extents – a digital world. This world, much like the ‘real’ world, is characterised by huge disparities in access and opportunities. Many digital opportunities are jealously guarded by global corporations that create…