We’re Afallen

We’re Wales’ leading sustainability partnership.

We make Wales richer in every sense of the word; culturally, environmentally, socially and economically. Our projects are rooted in the Well-being of Future Generations approach, bringing value to all Wales’ citizens’ now and in the future.

Case studies

The map below highlights some of our projects in Wales.

Our values align with yours

The SQMAS logo, with the words 'supplier quality management audit scheme' underneath
The Cynnig Cymraeg logo; words 'Cynnig Cymraeg in the centre of a stylised 'C' which incorporates a speech bubble

We’re a values-based company. When you put your trust in us, you know you’re partnering with highly experienced professionals who value sustainability, nature and society. We exist to help retain more wealth and skills in Wales.

Our clients include