A stylised office scene with two women and two men around a table, presentation on the wall behind them

Making a living

Making a living

It shouldn’t be strange, unusual or controversial to want to pay people a decent wage. And yet discussions about salary and the value that people bring to a company can sometimes seem taboo.

Afallen is a values-based organisation. We value diversity. We value the ecosystem which supports the myriad of things that take place within it. And we value highly the people that we work with.

That’s why we’ve decided to sign up to the Living Wage scheme. This signifies our intent to stand with the people that we contract to work with us; that we will remunerate them with at least the Living Wage; and that we stand for social responsibility. We’re in good company – there are 119 other Wales-based organisations which have signed up to the scheme.

The research demonstrates that businesses signing up to the scheme reap the benefits. Part of this is undoubtedly through reputation – something that is very important to a fledgling business like our own. But some of the benefits accrue through stronger relationships with staff or the wider supply chain.

In common with many other employers, our primary motivation for signing up is alignment with our values, our commitment to social responsibility and an enhanced reputation.

If our values align with yours, get in touch – we love to work with like-minded organisations to solve challenging problems which add value and meaning to the people and communities of Wales and beyond.

You can view all our accreditations in the footer of the website.