Afallen Newsletter – October 2024

Our usual activity updates, plus a focus on our Partner David Clubb

Top-down photo of greenery with a yellow neon heart lying on it in the top right hand side of the image.

What if Wales *really* went for growth?

Read the third in our provocative series of commissioned essays about Wales’ economy by Professor Calvin Jones.

Net Zero Wales 2035

Afallen Partner David Clubb was an observer member of the Net Zero Wales 2035 Challenge Group. They recently published all their advice and pathways.

Four jars of pulses in partial darkness, with light shining through the two central jars. These two central jars also contain small white spoons.

Commercialising functional foods

Afallen is supporting an exciting InnovateUK project in partnership with Aberystwyth University, Llaeth y Llan, Tertrim Teas and Phytoquest, as well as other Welsh food organisations. The Better food for all project is supporting the development of innovative and functional probiotic yogurt. Find out more from Joseph.

About David

David spends most of his time working on Afallen projects, currently focusing on good governance at Board level.

He’s also a big supporter of open source software and platforms, and carries out pro-bono work to help people understand how they can take control over their tech and social media for a more sustainable future. He recently wrote an article to help explain some of these concepts to third sector organisations.

He’s handy with web design; he’s the webmaster of this website and the NCIW one (see below).

David’s other role is as Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales. You can find out more about NICW here.