1.5-Day Board Introduction and refresher training for public bodies in Wales


Course outline

This training will take place over three half-day sessions. Participants undertaking 1 or more days of training will receive an Open Badge and a certificate of attendance.

The training will consist of the following three half-day sessions.

How Boards work

  • A greater understanding of the role of a board member of a Public Body
  • An understanding of the role and responsibilities of the public sector in Wales;
  • An understanding of the differences between the role of the Chair and the role of a Chief Executive Officer;
  • Knowledge of the Code of Conduct for Board members, the Nolan Principles and key legislation, including the Well-being and Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, The Equality Act 2010, The Human Rights Act 1998, Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
  • An understanding of an effective Board, to include, for example, strategic versus operational thinking, understanding the context in which Boards operate, managing Welsh public money, governance, audit and risk management, managing conflicts of interest and the performance management structure.

The role of diversity in Board make-up and function

  • Understanding biases, micro-behaviours and micro-aggressions and their impact on diversity and inclusion.
  • How to be a good ally and how to champion diversity;
  • The value of ‘lived experience’ and how diverse groups bring their lived experiences as transferable skills and experiences.
  • An awareness of protected groups; understanding of discrimination and systemic inequalities (e.g. racism, racial inequality training and the anti-racist Wales action plan);

Getting the most out of your Board position

  • Build Governance skills
  • Preparation for board meetings
  • Developing common goals
  • Asking effective questions
  • Presenting in a boardroom context; 
  • Influencing and challenging the opinions of others appropriately
  • Actively network with people unlike themselves to build evidence-based experiences